Our certified Family Law Specialist, Barry Paquette, can guide you through the stressful challenges arising out of your separation and divorce. It is essential that you have an experienced Family Law lawyer to protect your interests, whether it is through a negotiated settlement or in court.
Separation and divorce
Property division
Child and spousal support
Mediation and arbitration
Every separation is different. Only a family lawyer can give you information specific to your circumstances.
Community Legal Education Ontario (CLEO) created general information booklets with reference phone numbers and website addresses.
A divorce is the legal end of a marriage. This information booklet explains the divorce processes, while also providing preliminary information about support, property division and parenting.
An individual’s Canada Pension Plan (CPP) credits may be divided after separation and divorce. Employees and those self-employed contribute to the CPP through their wages. Those separated and divorced may be entitled to a share of his or her former partner’s pension credits. This sharing is formally referred to as a “Division of Unadjusted Pensionable Earnings.” Learn more here!
Questions arise on separation with respect to major decision making and parenting time with children.
This booklet explains decision making and parenting time.
Read this informative booklet about child support.
The first part of the booklet discusses child support:
What is it
How is support arranged
Part two explains how the government rules and tables are utilized to determine support payment amounts.
To inquire further, please contact Barry at